Numerical Simulation on the Effect of Pipe Roughness in Turbulent Flow

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Mohammed Aldlemy
Edgar Obando
Maryam Bayatvarkeshi


Numerical simulations were performed to study the influences of pipe roughness and smoothness. 3D modeling was solved via ANSYS-Fluent v2021R1 under the condition of fully-developed turbulent flow in the range of 5,000 < Re < 15,000. The working fluid was distilled water, and thermal-physical properties were at 300K. The model ($k-\epsilon$) was applied in the current study to solve the roughness problem with standard wall functions as the near-wall treatment. In the rough and smooth pipes, the pressure dropped by increasing the Reynolds number (Re). Meanwhile, the rough pipe showed higher pressure loss than a smooth pipe with an average of 40.34%. Moreover, the velocity contours were presented for both cases to discuss the effect of the rough wall on the velocity profiles.

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How to Cite
Aldlemy, M., Ahammed, S. . J. ., Obando, E. D. ., & Bayatvarkeshi, M. . (2022). Numerical Simulation on the Effect of Pipe Roughness in Turbulent Flow. Knowledge-Based Engineering and Sciences, 3(1), 37–44. Retrieved from